Hungarian Black 10 Seeds per packet Medium 5,000 – 10,000 SHU Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Hungarian Black Chilli Peppers! Originating from the heart of Hungary, these stunning chilli peppers are a must-have for every gardener and culinary enthusiast.
Californian Wonder 100 Seeds per packet Typical supermarket bell pepper Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket The California Wonder bell pepper is a prolific, vigorous pepper that is great tasting and easy to grow. It features a crisp, mild flavor and is excellent stuffed, sautéed, or cut into bite size pieces for snacks.
Lunch Box Sweet Peppers 5 Seeds per packet Snacking pepper size. Heavy cropper Price £1.35 Out of stock Out of stock Attractive, mini-peppers that come in different colours. Great flavour and super sweet, these little guys are make the perfect snack.
Diablo 10 Seeds per packet Very high producing plant! Price £1.55 In stock Add to Basket A very high yielding long Italian sweet pepper. Produced a lot of fruit!
Long Red Marconi 100 Seeds per packet Super sweet long red peppers Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock A slender, elegant pepper with a sweet, mild flavor. Excellent raw, stir-fried or roasted.
Golden California Wonder 100 Seeds per packet Yellow medium size bell pepper Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock The golden version of the popular California Wonder, this vigorous pepper turns golden when mature. Its bright colour is a delight to the eyes, while its sweet flavour will make you keep coming back for more.
Apache F1 5 Seeds per packet Very Hot 70,000 – 80,000 SHU Price £1.55 In stock Add to Basket One of the easiest hot peppers to grow, the Apache F1 pepper is an attractive, compact plant which will produce a seemingly never-ending supply of little, conical-shaped fruits. A dwarf variety, the Apache is perfect for the patio or container garden.
Bhut Jolokia 10 Seeds per packet VERY Very Hot 1,00,000+ SHU Price £2.95 In stock Add to Basket Discover the Fiery World of Bhut Jolokia Chilli Pepper Seeds - A Gardener's Challenge from India's Northeast!
Tabasco 5 Seeds per packet Hot 30,000 – 50,000 SHU Price £1.35 In stock Add to Basket This fiery hot pepper made Tabasco sauce famous. Great for seasoning any spicy-hot dish and commonly used to infuse vinegar.
Demon Red 5 Seeds per packet Hot 30,000 - 50,000 SHU Price £1.95 In stock Add to Basket A Thai-style dwarf chilli pepper bred especially for container gardening. As beautiful as it is flavourful.
Habanero 10 Seeds per packet Medium 2,500 - 80,000 SHU Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket One of the hottest, yet most delicious chilies around, our Habaneros will make your hot sauces and salsas totally irresistible.
Chiang-Rai 10 Seeds per packet Medium 2,500 - 8,000 SHU Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock This extremely hot pepper is both decorative and flavourful. Works well in containers.
Pot Black 5 Seeds per packet Hot 30,000 - 50,000 SHU Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A gorgeous, compact medium-hot chili whose beauty makes it just as much an ornamental as a veggie crop.
Mavras F1 5 Seeds per packet Deep Red/Purple bell peppers Price £1.99 Out of stock Out of stock A striking deep-red/purple bell pepper.
sow this month Red King F1 5 Seeds per packet Big bell peppers! Price £1.99 In stock Add to Basket A hudge sweet tasting, full flavoured bell pepper!
Cayenne Long Slim 20 Seeds per packet Hot 30,000 – 50,000 SHU Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Beautiful, slender, red-hot peppers. Each plant grows up to 2 feet and is vigourous and productive. Great for drying, using fresh and/or using medicinally.