Lollo Bionda Lettuce Seeds
Lollo lettuce produces a round head with loose frilly leafs, bright green and a little lighter compared to the traditional salad bowl lettuce. Lollo does not produce a 'heart' so can be cut in one go and be enjoyed as a salad combined with tomatoes.
However we recommend picking the outside leafs once a small ball has formed picked from the outside to encourage additional growth while enjoying enough fresh greens to fill a sandwich.
Common Questions
Can you direct sow Lollo Bionda lettuce? Yes, you can begin to sow your Lollo Bionda seeds as soon as the soil is workable. Plant your seeds 1/4 inch deep and keep the soil moist.
How long does Lolly Bionda take to grow? Lollo Bionda takes about 50 days to mature fully ready for harvest.
Why won't my Lollo Bionda germinate? Lettuce won't germinate when soil temperatures are above 26°C, but will at temperatures as low as 4°C. This allows you to germinate your seeds and grow as an early or late season plant.