sow & grow all year White Lisbon Hardy - Spring Onion 600 Seeds per packet Sow & Grow all year round Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Great for spring, summer, and autumn plantings, but best for over-wintering. Tasty, easy to grow and quite reliable.
sow & grow all year Ishikura 600 Seeds per packet Can be left to bunch like Welsh Onion Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Spring Onion Ishikura is a premium Japanese bunching onion variety known for its long, slender white stems and vibrant green leaves. Perfect for salads and stir-fries, these onions are easy to grow and harvest, providing delicious crops from summer through autumn.
Zebrune Shallot 100 Seeds per packet Spring & Winter Sowing Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Beautiful heirloom shallots with pink-brown bulbs and a sweet, mild flavor. Great for storing!
sow this month Red Sun Shallot 500g Set. Delivery March - April Price £4.99 Pre Order Spring 2025 Out of stock One of the best-loved red shallots available. Amazing flavour, high yields, and stores well.
Longor Shallot Set 500g Set Delivery Oct - Nov Price £9.99 Delivery LATE October 2025 Out of stock Sold as a 500g set each set contains 15-28 bulbs depending on the size. Avg 500g set
sow & grow all year North Holland Red Blood 300 Seeds per packet Sow all year Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A wonderful, dual-purpose spring onion with a rich, crimson, outer skin and a sweet, mild taste. Beautiful in salads or as a storage onion.
sow this month Red Karmen Onion Set 250g set. Approx 75 bulbs Delivery from FEB 2024 Price £3.49 Pre Order Spring 2025 Out of stock TA lovely dark-red onion that produces a heavy crop of red-skinned bulbs with a sweet, yet crunchy white flesh. Stores well. DELIVERY STARTS MID FEB
sow this month Sturon (Globe type) Onion Set 250g set Approx 75 Bulbs Delivery from FEB 2024 Price £3.49 Pre Order Spring 2025 Out of stock A great dual-purpose straw-coloured onion that is high-yielding and resists bolting. Best for spring planting. DELIVERY WILL START MID FEB
Paris Silver Skin 800 Seeds per packet Spring Sowing Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A small onion with many uses, one of which is pickling. Also makes fantastic spring and summer onions. Easy and quick growing.
Red Baron 200 Seeds per packet Spring & Winter sows Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A large, blood-red onion with excellent storage capacities and a wonderful, strong flavour. One of the longest storing red onions around.
Senshyu Onion 300 Seeds per packet Winter Sowing Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket An over-wintering Japanese onion yielding the first bulb onions of the season. Beautiful, straw-coloured bulbs by early July. Excellent quality.
Red Winter Onion Set 250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs Delivery Late Nov - Dec Price £3.49 Pre Order from August Out of stock Pack with sweet flavor and sporting a brilliant color, this overwintering red onion will often outperform summer onions. Delivery Starts from 5th September.
Ailsa Craig 300 Seeds per packet Spring Sowing Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Very easy to grow, popular for shows and compitions. Although it's one of the easier onions to grow from seed bulb storage is very short - not recommended for long term storage.
Troy F1 Onion Set 250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs Delivery Oct - Nov Price £3.99 Delivery LATE October 2025 Out of stock A very hardy overwintering onion. Fantastic resistance to bolting. Produce large round bulbs. Delivery is October - November. First-year limited stock!
sow this month Simane 200 Seeds per packet Spring Sowing Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock A joy to both grow and eat, this old continental variety will please the palate as well as beautify the table.
Eschalote Grise 12 Bulb Set Building Stock. Online 2024! Price £4.99 Pre Order from August Out of stock Intense and concentrated flavour, highly sought after in French cooking. Not a common shallot to be found on sale in the UK. Often referred to as a banana shallot due to its shape.