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Onions Sets

Our onion sets are prepared from fresh seeds ready for planting the following season, they are simply onions that have not been allowed to mature. Harvested early, cut and dried they are simply small onion bulbs where seed germination has been done for you.

Much easier to grow compared to onion seeds, and they are also much easier to harvest. You should not eat onion sets – sometimes confused with pickling the onion is too young to be enjoyed at its best.

Onion Sets. Spring & Over winter Onion sets 250g per set.

Sturon (Globe type) Onion Set

250g set Approx 75 Bulbs

Delivery from FEB 2024

Price £3.49
Pre Order Spring 2025
Out of stock

A great dual-purpose straw-coloured onion that is high-yielding and resists bolting. Best for spring planting. DELIVERY WILL START MID FEB

Senshyu Onion Set

250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs

Delivery Oct - Dec

Price £3.49
Delivery LATE October 2024
Out of stock

250g - Approx 75 Bulbs

An over-wintering Japanese onion yielding the first bulb onions of the season. Beautiful, straw-coloured bulbs by early July. Excellent quality. Delivery Starts from 5th September.

Red Karmen Onion Set

250g set. Approx 75 bulbs

Delivery from FEB 2024

Price £3.49
Pre Order Spring 2025
Out of stock

TA lovely dark-red onion that produces a heavy crop of red-skinned bulbs with a sweet, yet crunchy white flesh. Stores well. DELIVERY STARTS MID FEB

Red Winter Onion Set

250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs

Delivery Late Nov - Dec

Price £3.49
Pre Order from August
Out of stock

Pack with sweet flavor and sporting a brilliant color, this overwintering red onion will often outperform summer onions. Delivery Starts from 5th September.

Snowball Onion Set

250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs

Delivery late Nov - Dec

Price £3.49
Delivery LATE Novemeber 2024
Out of stock

250g - Approx 75 Bulbs. Just as the name suggests, snowball is a bright white-skinned onion. A mild flavour onion, stores very well. Delivery starts late November.

Troy F1 Onion Set

250g set. Approx 75 Bulbs

Delivery Oct - Nov

Price £3.99
Delivery LATE October 2025
Out of stock

A very hardy overwintering onion. Fantastic resistance to bolting. Produce large round bulbs. Delivery is October - November. First-year limited stock!

Growseed onion sets are 250g in weight providing on average 75 strong healthy bulbs per set this should provide you with a total of 75 onions! All onion sets are provided in a handy netted bag that can be reused around the garden or allotment usages include storing plant markers, supporting other plants or as a basic pot cover! They are supplied this way to ensure maximum air circulation around the sets to avoid mould and rot!

Over Winter onion sets can be planted as early as October while Spring Onion sets should be planted no later than March / Early April.

Traditionally onion sets are planted 5-8 cm apart (approximately a full hand width apart) however you can bunch the onions by planting in close modules of 4, this allows you to harvest traditional onions within 12-16 weeks and enjoyed as a salad onion and continued harvest until 1 onion is left in each position and allowed to mature into a full bulb.