sow this month Shiraz 200 Seeds per packet Purple mangetout pea Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A striking purple Mangetout Pea. Perfectly sweet, will brighten up any meal or growing space!
sow this month Waverex 200 Seeds per packet Heavy cropper. Sweet peas! Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock A petite, super-sweet, early pea, Waverex peas are a popular UK heirloom and a heavy cropper. Great for summer salads and risottos, and perfect for freezing.
sow this month Oregon Sugar Pod 200 Seeds per packet Classic mangetout pea Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket This easy to grow, non-climbing, snow pea is a prolific producer of stringless, edible pods that keep on producing after multiple pickings. The dwarf vines are perfect for container gardens or allotments short on space. A favorite in Asian cooking, these peas are excellent when picked young ...
sow this month Onward 200 Seeds per packet Classic maincrop pea Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Pea 'Onward' is a highly popular dwarf variety known for its large, tasty peas and prolific yield. Suitable for the UK climate, it produces dark green pods packed with 6-8 peas each.
sow & grow all year Douce Provence 200 Seeds per packet Grow all year. No supports needed Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket An old, well-loved variety, Douce Proven peas are a petite, bushing, winter-hardy favorite that requires no staking or support. The peas are small, but very sweet. In milder climates they can be grown almost all year long.