Viroflay Spinach Seeds 250 Seeds per packet Huge Leaves, Spring & Winter Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Also known as the 'Monstrueux de Viroflay,’ this French classic has huge leaves, a splendid taste, and does great in fall and winter gardens.
sow this month Medania 250 Seeds per packet High yields. Easy to grow. Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket Spinach Medania produces a high yield of dark green leaves. It is very easy to grow and very reliable variety of spinach.
sow this month Red Kitten F1 100 Seeds per packet Slow Bolting. Ideal for baby leaf Price £0.99 In stock Add to Basket A lovely spinach with glossy green leaves and red veins. A slow-bolting, mid-early producer ideal for baby leaf production.
Giant Winter 1000 Seeds per packet Very cold hardy Price £0.99 Out of stock Out of stock A cold-hardy, flavourful, over-wintering heirloom that can be used for either baby or full-size.